DGCS School Committee Statement:
March 14, 2020. Considering the COVID-19 Virus, starting Monday, March 16, all DGCS classes and activities are canceled until after the Spring Break. This decision considers the health of all of us in light of rapidly changing conditions. DGCS is in full compliance with the emergency declarations by our state and national governments. We support their efforts. At DGCS, we also know that we must turn to God in prayer on behalf of our families, friends, community, and nation. This is going to be a time of adjustment. As we adopt "social distancing", we also must keep our children occupied and learning. So, March 17- 20 and March 23 – 27 will be "home learning days." Spring Break is still scheduled for March 30 – April 3. On Monday, March 16, our teachers will be preparing home instruction packets for our Preschool-8th grade students which contains work to be done at home. Packets will be picked up on Tuesday the 17th and returned to DGCS on the following Monday. The process for packet pick up and drop off will be explained in Ms. Peterson's updates. Our teachers will be available to answer questions and emails from 10:00 AM- 1:30 PM Tuesdays-Thursdays. To speak to a teacher or if you have any other questions please call the office at 630-852-0832. We trust that we can make these profitable days for the education of our children. Thank you, School Committee of Downers Grove Christian School
Questions You May Have:
NOTE: The information below is also covered in the email announcement from Principal Ms. Shari Peterson.
What Happens Now?
Classes and Student Activities at Downers Grove Christian are officially cancelled Monday March 16 through April 5.
On Monday, March 16, Staff and Teachers will prepare the materials and assignments for at-home work for the coming week.
On Tuesday, March 17, Parents of Students (Pre-K through 8th Grade) are asked to come to DGCS to pick up their Student(s)’ packets and materials. To manage the short-term parking, we ask only those with last names A-K to stop by in the morning 8:00 – 11:00 (if possible). All other families (L-Z) are asked to come by from Noon to 3:00 pm. The first set of materials will be for the coming week.
On Monday, March 23, we ask Parents to return the Student packets and completed assignments in the same way they were picked up on Tuesday March 17. At that time, Parents will receive the materials and assignments for at-home work that week. These packets will then be returned on Friday March 27 just like in the previous week.
Spring Break is Monday March 30 through Sunday April 5. We plan to resume Classes and Activities at DGCS on Monday, April 6.
How Will At-Home Schooling Work?
First, we are going to keep this simple. We won’t be converting to online courses or expect Parents to have special technology. Simply, Teachers will be using the same materials used in class — and that Students will have in their packets. Also, Teachers will be sending emails to Parents with their assignments and may include links to online learning videos for Students to watch or articles to read.
Importantly, Teachers will be contacting students by phone each week to discuss their work, progress and any questions. Teachers are available and responsive to Parents by email or phone call anytime.
Parent’s help and encouragement is key to our success with your Student during this period. Together, with God’s help, we will stay on track and overcome any challenges we face in this extraordinary time.
Who Do I Contact with Questions or Issues?
Our Principal Ms. Shari Peterson is best reached by email to: speterson@dgchristian.org.
You may also call DGCS directly at 630-852-0832.
What Are The Best Sources for Up-To-Date Information on COVID-19?
Listed below are links to a variety of reliable sources of up-to-date information about COVID-19:
DuPage County Health Department COVID-19 Inform
Good Words and Advice During This Time
The national strategy to deal with COVID-19 includes an approach of social distancing. To all of us, this is a drastic but critical step. To be effective, take some time and review recommendations by the CDC and the DuPage County Health Department:
Keep following the practice of washing your hands regularly and covering your cough or sneeze. You are now a partner in “flattening the curve,” and helping to stop the outbreak even before it gets into our school community. We ask you to set the example for our children through your actions and put the safety of everyone above our own valued experiences. Source: This excerpt was paraphrased from a well-crafted statement by Mr. Hank Thiele, Superintendent of Schools for IL District 99. We credit him for this. |